New Drinking Habits?

If your drinking habits shifted during stay-at-home orders, other factors could have too, like your weight or diet. Based on these factors, know your limit before you go out and stick to it. Everyone’s body processes alcohol differently based on personal factors such as age, weight, gender or a family history of alcohol use problems. Now’s the time to brush up on what it means to drink responsibly in preparation for the summer. Both products noted below can be used to help prevent alcohol misuse and promote responsible drinking throughout the year.

Check out and share this new video on what drinking too much looks like versus drinking responsibly.

own video july news

Help prevent alcohol misuse and promote responsible drinking year-round by busting common myths about alcohol.

Learning how to drink responsibly or identify alcohol use concerns can be confusing, but the following resources can help. Own Your Limits, a Defense Department program, is an educational campaign for the U.S. military.

own2 video july news

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